Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bedtime Battle

The other day we were planning to have some family time to read the bible together with our children.  It was getting late and meltdowns were fast approaching but we were trying to be optimistic.  No matter what we asked Zion (our 5 year old) to do, it was met with whining, protest, or no response at all.  Finally, he was issued a "time out."  This was the start of the meltdown.  He was sent to sit by himself in the bathroom to think about how he could have better behavior while we waited in his bedroom.  I went in to talk to him but he was so upset and unable to listen to anything I was trying to say.  I finally told him that it was getting too late and he was too tired so maybe we should read the bible tomorrow when we were all more rested.  At this point, he was crying, stomping his feet, and screaming (which is pretty unlike him).  He was literally yelling "I WANT TO READ THE BIBLE!" over and over and over.   I had to leave the room before I busted out laughing.  The irony of what he was saying and how he was saying it was too much for me to handle.  At face value, hearing your child say that he/she wants to read the bible is awesome.  However, the way he was saying it was void of love, void of self-control, void of gentleness and void of pure intent.  Instead it was manipulative, rude, and self-seeking.  I could have been fooled and thought something like "wow, he must really love the bible because he's so adamant about wanting to read it."  I have been around kids enough to know this was not the case.

I have thought back on this evening several times and how apparent it was to me that Zion's behavior is not uncommon.  I have known some adults just like this.  They speak of Godly things or quote scripture or boast of their righteousness but little else in their life demonstrates a pure heart.  In Galations 5 it say that the "fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control  . . . some good things to keep in mind when we are looking for evidence of how a person's heart aligns with God's (or where our own heart aligns with God's).  Unfortunately I can think back on times when I have "talked the talk" but my intentions have been selfish and clearly less than pure.  

I pray that Zion will one day truly become this zealous for the things of God and have a sincere desire to read the bible.  In the meantime, I hope that I can be wise enough to know the difference between what he says and where his heart is.   I pray the same for you.  That we would be discerning of what people say and of what "fruits of the Spirit" they may or may not be demonstrating . . . that we would "test all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thes. 5:21).  More than anything, I pray that you or I are not this person.  


  1. Thank you Lauren for your beautiful words of Wisdom. I love this...I love you...Be Well...


  2. Beautifully worded! Miss you and gleaning from the wisdom that daily glows from your mouth!
